Will Trusts

Make sure your loved ones get the share of your assets which they deserve with a Will Trust. Although you may not want to think about your death, failure in planning can lead to crucial financial complications after your death. This then needs to be resolved by your successors, which often requires hefty expenses and lots of inconvenience, especially at a time when they are in the state of emotional vulnerability and shock. For more information on Will Trusts you can find it on gov.uk/trusts-taxes 

Professional Will Trust Services for Your Peace of Mind

We help give you the peace of mind you deserve by ensuring that that your property and assets are distributed among your loved ones. Our legal Will Trust services are handled by skilled professionals who have a complete understanding of constitutional Will Trust laws. We provide you guidance and legal advice in relation to formation and management of Will Trust to secure the future of your family and loved ones.

Why You Need a Property Will Trust?

When you have a jointly-owned property, you can create a property Will Trust for it. It is a kind of enhanced Will which protects your property and assets. It ensures that in the event of your unexpected or sudden death, your property is transferred to the entitled Will Trustees without interference of third parties.

Flexibility of Ownership

A Will Trust is created to provide more flexibility to joint property owners. It enables you to transfer your property to a person of your choice rather than the respective property owner.

Protection of Your Assets

If your mutual property owner wants to gift his/her share of the property to someone, then your share remains protected. It means that if you need residential care or face financial problems in the future, then your share of the property will stay intact.
Will Trust also ensure that upon your death your loved ones receive the entitled property share. It gives you the power to decide where your share goes after your death which can in turn save on inheritance tax, care home fees or disinheritance (if the surviving partner decides to remarry and exclude your children maybe from previous marriages).


A Will Trust assures that your assets and property can be transferred directly to your nominated Will Trustee instantly after your demise.

Prevents Forced Ownership

A Will Trust allows you to prevent forced ownership through law. Once a Will Trust is in place, you can leave your property to someone you love. A Will Trust allows you to freely distribute your wealth to whomever you like, without any legal restrictions.

Preserve Your Family Assets

A Will Trust can help you preserve your family assets rather than distributing them among the heirs. With a Will Trust, you can set up a single fund to ensure that your wealth is invested and profit is accumulated over time. The payments from that fund can be distributed among your nominated heirs as required while preserving your original assets.
Our legal services can help you set up a legal Will Trust with complete confidentiality. We provide help with four kinds of Will trusts:
PPT (Protective Property Trust)
FLIT (Flexible Life Interest Trust )
Discretionary Trust
NIL Rate Band Trust
With the help and guidance of our legal experts, you can quickly and efficiently prepare your required Will Trust to protect your family’s future.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, contact us now.

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